Saturday 11 February 2017

How To Appeal Community Guidelines Strike On YouTube

Has YouTube ever flagged one of your videos for violating Community Guidelines? Have you ever received a strike against your YouTube account? How do you appeal a strike to get your video back?

YouTube in an email notification for flagged video says:

“The YouTube Community has flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. Once a video is flagged, it is reviewed by the YouTube Team against our Community Guidelines. Upon review, we have determined that the following video(s) contain content in violation of these guidelines, and have been disabled: 

Following are the reasons they give for violating the community guidelines:

“Everyone hates spam. Misleading descriptions, tags, titles or thumbnails designed to increase views are not allowed. It's also not okay to post large amounts of untargeted, unwanted or repetitive content, including comments and private messages.”

YouTube gives you two options:

Wait for 6 months. 

If you receive no more strikes your video will be reinstated after 6 months. If your account receives two strikes within a six month period, you won’t be able to post new content to YouTube for two weeks. If there are no further issues, full privileges are restored automatically after the two week period. If an account receives a third Community Guidelines strike before the first strike has expired, the account will be terminated. 

Appeal a strike
“If we find that your video did not violate our Community Guidelines, we will reinstate it and remove the strike from your account. In some instances, it is possible that we will remove the strike from your account but your video will remain down from the site. You will receive an email from us informing you of the result of your appeal request. You may appeal each video strike only once. If we uphold our original decision on the strike, you will be unable to appeal future strikes on your account for a period of 60 days.

Do what you think will be best for you.

Read this if you want to appeal community guidelines strikes

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